Partner Institution Student Scholarship
The first type of scholarship is in support of students attending a college or university in Northern Alabama or participating in the Cap and Gown Organization. This program is executed in conjunction with partner institutions in Northern Alabama. In this program, the candidates are provided by the respective schools or organizations for evaluation by the NSC-HSV Education Committee. Candidates are evaluated on the following: GPA; extracurricular activities, awards, etc.; community outreach; degree alignment with STEM and space exploration; and the overall application/information. Scholarships are intended to support tuition and fees (not room and board), and checks are made out directly to the partner institutions. Scholarships can range from $1,000 to $5,000. U.S. Citizens or permanent residents are eligible to apply.
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Alabama A&M University
University of North Alabama
Athens State University
Calhoun Community College
JF Drake State Community and Technical College
Cap and Gown

Partner Institution Scholarships Include:
The Wernher von Braun Memorial Scholarship (VBMS) – endowed scholarship at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)
Engineering & Science (University and College) Scholarships (multiple awards)
Technology Scholarship (College with a specialty in machining, welding, or other similar technology degree applicable to the aerospace community) (possible multiple awards)
Children of Members Scholarship
The second type of scholarship is “children-of-members.” These scholarships are intended to provide a benefit to NSC-HSV members and are open to children & grandchildren of members in good standing. High school seniors or college freshmen through juniors whose parents or grandparents are members of the club are eligible to apply.
Candidates are evaluated on the following: GPA; extracurricular activities, awards, etc.; community outreach; degree alignment with STEM and space exploration; and the overall application, which includes a short essay. Scholarship values can range from $1,000 to $4,000. The scholarships are intended to support tuition and fees (not room and board), and checks are made out directly to the institutions.
U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible to apply. Family of NSC Board Members are not eligible.
Completed applications with essays must be received via e-mail by midnight March 15, 2025 to:

In addition to providing support and funds through Scholarships and STEM Education, The National Space Club of Huntsville celebrates space exploration by honoring organizations and individuals who have helped make this country, this state, and this community so influential and successful in our nation’s space program.
Dr. Wernher Von Braun Space Flight Trophy
The award, now known as the Dr. Wernher von Braun Space Flight Trophy, is given annually to an individual or organization that has made a significant achievement in advancing space flight programs and has contributed to U.S. leadership in the field of rocketry and astronautics.
Past Winners: United Launch Alliance Vulcan Rocket, Senator Howell Heflin, Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, MG John Zierdt, Jack Lee, Alan Shepard, Dr. Sally Ride, Scott Crossfield, John Glenn, Skylab Team/Lee Belew, Parker Counts/ MSFC External Tank Team, Dan Goldin/ NASA Administrator, Congressman Bud Cramer, Peter Teets/ Undersecretarty of U.S. Air Force, Columbia Accident Investigation Board/ Adm Harold Gehman, Alphonso Diaz/ Associate Administrator, William Gerstemmaier, Dr Peter Diamandis, Jay Honeycutt, William Lucas/ MSFC (Retired), Robert Thompson, Jim Odom, Dr. Mike Griffin, General John Hyten, Senator Richard Shelby, Charlie Bolden, Robert Lightfoot, Scott Pace, Dr. Mae Jemison, Lt. General Tom Stafford, USAF, Dr. Christopher Scolese (2021 honoree)
Distinguished Science Award
This award is presented to a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution in research and discovery that expands the knowledge and understanding of space.
Past Winners: Dr. Gary Zank, Dr. Chrystal Kouveliotou, Steven Squyres, Mars Curiosity Rover Team and LIGO, Dr. Martin Weisskopf, Cassini Team, Mars Exploration Rover, Dr. Jim Green (2020 honoree)
Jack Lee Service Award
Previously known as the Community Service Award. This award is presented to an individual or group possessing an inner kinship with the space program and the community and is active in bringing them closer together.
Past Winners: Jack W. Stokes, Walt Wiesman, Milton Cummings, Dr. Philomena Grodzka, Roy Nichols, Jyles Machen, Mayor Loretta Spencer, Michael Ward, Bob Noblitt, BG(R) Robert Drolet, LTG(R) James Link, Ed Buckbee, Larry Capps, William Gurley, Dave Christensen, Joe Ritch, Dorothy & Julian Davidson, David Brock, Terry Abel, Deborah Barnhart, Jim Kirkpatrick, Mayor Tommy Battle, Steve Cook, Dr. Sandra H. Magnus, Robert L. “Hoot” Gibson, Ms. Bennie Jacks (2021 honoree)
Rising Star Award
Astronautics Engineering Award
This award is presented to a scientist or engineer who has made an outstanding contribution to United States leadership in the field of rocketry and astronautics.
Past Winners: N. Wayne Hale, Robert Schwinghamer, William McCorkle, Eberhard Rees, Fred Wojtalik, Dave Mobley, Dr. Wayne Littles, Dick Fisher, Owen Garriott, Dr. Shelba Proffitt/PEO Air & Missile Defense, Dr. Martin Weisskopf, Jess Granone, James Kennedy KSC Center Director, Dr. Paul Munafo, Return to Flight, Alan Stern, Gravity Probe-B Team/Geveden, Mara Phoenix Lander Team, Hubble Repair Team/STS 125 Flight Crew, X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle, Dawn Spacecraft Development Operations Team, Burt Rutan, Gary Lyles, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, New Horizons Team, George Carruthers, Doug Cooke, Todd May, Brooks Moore, Christina Koch, Perseverance/Ingenuity Team (2021 honoree)
Communications Award
This award is presented to an individual or group that has made a significant contribution to public knowledge and understanding of astronautics and its impact upon our nation and all mankind.
Past Winners: Dr. Kimberly Robinson, Dave Dooling, Joe Vallely, Paul Hudson, Ed Buckbee, Robert Womack, Ron Howard, John S. Hendricks, Fred Ordway III, Homer Hickman, Lou Dobbs, Miles O'Brien, Lon Raines, William Congo, Robinson Ward, George Lucas, Paula Apsell, John Zarrella, Frank Morring, Jr., Jay Barbree, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chris Hadfield, Alan Boyle, Marcia Smith, Scott Kelly, Dr. Mike Massimino, Hakeem Oluseyi, Brian Berger, Leland Melvin, Johnny F. Stephenson, Jr. (2021 honoree)​
Educator of the Year Award
This award is presented to an educator who has made an outstanding contribution in grades K through Twelve in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
Past Winners: Monica Hobson
This award is presented to a young person or team reflecting superior performance in the are of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
Past Winners: Tharptown High School